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There are numerous things you can do to enhance your sexual health and ultimately improve your sex life and general wellbeing. We can all agree, we occasionally need a little boost now and then and sexual health is fundamental and requires a bit of time and effort to improve our sexual relationships whatever your sexual orientation.

We have read articles and blogs, spoken to sex therapist and drawn on our personal experiences and this is out top 10 tips for men’s sexual health you can do right now.

Mens Sexual Health

1. Eat well

Sexual health can depend on what you eat, so eat yourself fitter. We are all aware that we need to eat a healthy diet, but what you eat will affect your sexual performance, eat foods rich in nutrients and low in fats and maintain a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fruit and veg, whole grains and less meat to reduce cholesterol and keep the blood pumping around your system. Try myfitnesspal app for ideas.


2. Exercise more

Get more exercise, it’s no brainer right! Men who are more active will notice a higher libido and this in turn increases self-confidence. Just 15 minutes brisk walking a day will help improve self-esteem and libido, increase promotes cardiovascular health which will help with normal erectile function, but don’t over-do it. Consult your doctor or personal training before. Try the Couch to £5k app.


3. Quit smoking

Stop smoking period. Doctors believe that smokers will suffer from erectile dysfunction and low sperm count, research has back this up. Smoking damages most of your body and in particular the arteries, this includes the small arteries that send blood to penis resulting in problems in sustaining an erection.
Search the NHS website for more details.


4. Learn how to manage stress

Stress is a passion killer, literally. If you feel tired, stressed, anxious, depressed or suffer from a lack of sleep then try and manage these as best you can. It’s easier said than done, but there is help out there, try management techniques, meditation and exercise. An app we would highly recommend is Headspace.


5. Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises help to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles at the base of the penis. When peeing, just hold the flow, squeeze the muscles and stop the flow, hold then release. This will help strengthen erections over time and can be a simple daily exercise. It can also help with delaying ejaculation and increase orgasms. For more information read this Men’s Health article.

6. Use lubricants

If you haven’t used lubes then give it try! Lubricants are great for better sex, there are many different types depending on your circumstance, but they will help to satisfy your partner whatever your sexual orientation. Keep some by your bed and use whenever you want. View our range of lubricants.


7. Drink less alcohol

During the last 18 months drinking at home has been as common as going to the pub use to be. Most men will know the effects of too much alcohol when trying to perform, whilst it may ease your inhibitions it will make it more difficult to sustain an erection and orgasm. Simply reduce the amount you consume. Drinkaware is a great site for advice on how to cut down.


8. Use a cock rings

Cock rings are the superstars of sex toys. This simple sex toy can be very cheap but super effective. A tight-fitting cock ring will hold a really strong erection which gives you confidence, you won’t lose the erection eliminating anxiety and breaking that circle that can cause stress and performance related issues. You can ever heighten the experience with vibrating cock rings to stimulate your partners clit or butt. Take a look at our huge range of cock rings.


9. Partner

Be considerate. Pay your partner compliments, be thoughtful, be attentive, a kind word here and there goes a long way. Make their pleasure your number one priority, top tip don’t ask “did you cum” it’s an after-thought, put them first! Find out what your partner wants and how they like it, listen and act, talk during sex not after you may like it!


10. More foreplay

No matter how long you and your partner have been together foreplay is always the secret to great sexual experiences. Make it about them not about sex act its-self. Be patience and attentive and the benefits will be huge. Introduce a sex toy to spice things up, search our sex toys for couples.


On a final note

Believe it or not medical studies have shown that men with a positive mental attitude have a better sex life, so let’s turn that frown upside down and have fun and stay safe!

We are committed to your sexual health and wellbeing. We want you to lead a full and exciting sex life. Whatever you are looking for we will have it covered, we stock all the top designer branded sex toys and lingerie brands visit SWOnline today.

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